Islamabad: Chairman of the Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) Ali Raza Syed on Tuesday reaffirmed the organization’s unwavering commitment to the peaceful liberation of Kashmir, calling for international attention and support to address the longstanding issue.

Speaking at an event here, Ali Raza Syed said the struggle for the freedom of Kashmir continues to be a top priority for the Kashmir Council Europe.

“We remain steadfast in our commitment to advocating for the rights and aspirations of the people of Kashmir,” he added.

Syed emphasized the need for a peaceful resolution to the Kashmir conflict, urging the international community to play a more active role in facilitating dialogue between India and Pakistan to address the ongoing issues in the region.

He said it was imperative that the international community steps up its efforts to mediate between the two nuclear-armed neighbors. “The people of Kashmir have suffered for far too long, and it is time to find a just and lasting solution to this protracted conflict,” he said.

The Chairman of KC-EU expressed deep concern over the human rights situation in the Kashmir Valley and called for an end to the alleged human rights violations.

He urged the Indian government to engage in meaningful dialogue with all stakeholders to bring about a peaceful resolution that respects the wishes of the Kashmiri people.

The Kashmir Council Europe has been actively engaged in raising awareness about the Kashmir conflict at the international level and advocating for a peaceful solution in accordance with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

As the international community closely watches developments in the region, the reaffirmation of KC-EU’s commitment to the Kashmir cause serves as a reminder of the ongoing efforts to bring about a resolution to this long-standing dispute.