Only politicians know Pakistan’s issues: Asif Ali Zardari

Hub: Former president and Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari on Sunday asserted that only politicians know the issues of Pakistan, emphasising democracy only way out of crises.

Addressing a public gathering in connection with elections 2024, the former president said PPP never talked about confrontation despite the injustices it faced. “The party [PPP] always fought for democracy and will do it forever,” he said.

Asif Zardari regretted that there was no “ideal democracy” in the country, noting that only the politicians know the real issues of Pakistan.

Speaking of Balochistan, the PPP co-Chairman said he would try to protect the rights of the people living in the province. He mentioned that the provincial budget had been raised by four times but it was invisible anywhere.

“When the law and order situation will improve in Hub, investors will come here and the city will be prosperous like Karachi,” he said.

The survival of Balochistan is in the democracy and it should be explained to those who opted for the arm struggle, he concluded.