CPEC: Shanghai Elec­tric companies reiterate commitment towards development, welfare of workers in Thar Block-1

Karachi: Thar Coal Block-1 Power Generation Company (PVT.) Lim­ited (TCB-1) and Sino Sindh Re­sources Private Limited (SSRL), subsidiaries of Shanghai Elec­tric, have reiterated their com­mitment towards development, welfare of its workers in Thar Block-1 and the environment under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

The two companies, who are jointly working on the 1320MW Thar Block-1 Integrated Energy Project -a mega CPEC – were once again in the limelight at the 16th Annual CSR Summit and Awards hosted by the National Forum for Envi­ronment and Health (NFEH) in Islamabad at a local hotel, said an official statement issued here on Thursday evening.

Both TCB-1 and SSRL received a to­tal of four awards at the event in categories that included CSR Initiatives; Livelihood and Waste Management / Recycling.