Portugal: New platform to promote migrant labour market integration

Lisbon: Lisbon City Council (CML) approved the development of a new digital platform to facilitate the integration of migrants into the city’s labour market.
Considered a pioneering initiative in Europe, the platform will connect the skills that migrants have to offer with the needs of local companies, promoting more structured, dignified access to employment.
According to a statement from CML, the platform will constitute a new version of the Lisbon Employment Map, an existing municipal project that shares over 6 000 job opportunities and 2 000 training offers. The new digital platform will adapt the employment map to specifically represent what migrants in Lisbon have to offer.
The platform is the result of a proposal by the Lisbon Citizens’ Council, a participatory body that involves civil society in the design of public policies. CML will further establish partnerships with associations specialised in the integration of immigrants and refugees, ensuring that they have access to training tailored to the demands of the Portuguese market.
Coinciding with the third anniversary of the Lisbon Citizens’ Council, the platform is set to be made available to the public in the first quarter of 2025.